Garden walk with Muriel Vernières: «The garden of Eugenie»
At 10h and 16h30, Muriel Vernières invites you to a literary walk.
Dimanche 2 juin, 10h00, 16h30Passé
©Département du Tarn - Conservation des musées
At 10h and 16h30, Muriel Vernières invites you to a literary walk.
«These little cooking secrets make you happy» The garden of Eugenie offers us its secrets: delicate crops and picking, gifts and delicacies in all seasons. Let’s discover them through his Journal and his letters, during a walk in the Cayla.
The 4:30 pm walk will be followed by a voice-over of the text Notre Vallée by Julie Aminthe and the restitution of the dance workshop with Jason Respilieux proposed by the ADDA du Tarn at the Cayla castle-museum.