Musée de Vieux-la-Romaine
13 chemin Haussé, 14930 Vieux
Vieux-la-Romaine, it is the history(story) of the city of Aregenua, a capital that administered one of the territories of current Normandy long before the birth of this one. The first tracks of setting-up(presence) of the city go back up(raise) at the beginning of Ier century ap. J.-C. His(Her,Its) urban development would have been made in years 120-140 ap. J.-C. and becomes famous for a large programme of monumental constructions. The city peaks between the environment(middle) of the IIth century ap. J.-C. and the first half of the IIIth century ap. J.-C. Then, the city(estate) declines and makes a commitment in a process of ruralisation. Today, the visitors can discover this ancient city(estate) by visiting the museum and the vestiges of two Roman houses.
Vegetable garden, orchard, Tourisme et handicap & Musée de France