Dimanche 9 juin 2019, 14h30Passé
Juin 2019
Dimanche 9
14:30 - 16:00

Kurpark Bad Dürrenberg

Apothekerberg 12 6231 Bad Dürrenberg
  • Saxe-Anhalt

Animals in Parks and Gardens - An Audio Book Afternoon

You can hear "The Wind in the Willows", read by Harry Rowohlt.
Dimanche 9 juin 2019, 14h30Passé

What's crawling in the grass? What's buzzing through the air? On this summer Sunday we go on an exploration tour through meadow, bed and hedge and dedicate ourselves to their small and large inhabitants. The meadows in the spa park, around the music pavilion, become our listening areas when the wind blows through the pastures!

Types of events
Spectacle / Reading
2019 Theme
Aucune sélection
Conditions for participation
Free entrance

À propos du lieu

Kurpark Bad Dürrenberg
Apothekerberg 12 6231 Bad Dürrenberg
  • Saxe-Anhalt