Dimanche 18 août, 10h00Passé
Août 2024
Dimanche 18
10:00 - 12:00
Accessible aux déficients intellectuels
Accessible aux handicapés auditifs
Accessible aux handicapés visuels
Accessible aux handicapés psychiques
Accessible aux handicapés moteurs
De 0 à 99 ans

Relais Nature du Parc de la Deûle

20 Chemin du Halage, 59211 Santes
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France

Focus on the orthoptera

Locust or cricket, right? Explore the meadows of the Gîte and try to catch these insects to get to know them better, in the company of an animator of the Relais Nature.
Dimanche 18 août, 10h00Passé
Claire Poitout / MEL

Locust or cricket, right? Explore the meadows of the Gîte and try to catch these insects to get to know them better, in the company of an animator of the Relais Nature.
2 hours of exploration in the meadows of the Gîte, net and box-magnifying glass in hands. Open your eyes and ears wide, try to catch locusts and grasshoppers, these small animals with long hind legs that like to hide in the tall grass. But how to differentiate them? By observing them more closely and with the help of a Relais Nature facilitator, you will learn to identify them and know their lifestyle. These strange creatures often green with summer stridulations will have no secrets for you!
Appointment: 10h
Good to know: limited number of places, only on registration. Ticketing on enm.lillemetropole.fr or at the reception Duration: 2h
All audiences
The site is accessible to people with disabilities. Please contact the team for more details about the accessibility of the shows/ animations.

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À propos du lieu

Relais Nature du Parc de la Deûle
20 Chemin du Halage, 59211 Santes
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France
Vincent Lecigne/MEL

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