Dimanche 22 septembre, 15h00Passé
Septembre 2024
Dimanche 22
15:00 - 17:00

Cimetière Chevilly

Rue de Monchene, 45520 Chevilly
  • Loiret
  • Centre-Val de Loire

The cemetery of Chevilly (Loiret), historical and funerary heritage

The cemetery of Chevilly (Loiret), historical and funerary heritage.
Dimanche 22 septembre, 15h00Passé

The cemetery of Chevilly (Loiret), historical and funerary heritage.

Our cemeteries are stone gardens where the funerary art joins the historical heritage to constitute a testimony on the history of the village.

We will walk along the aisles, among the graves of former mayors, notables, anonymous, victims of wars… Guided tour by Régis Phélut of «Chevilly histoire» and Nathalie Grenon of «Pour l'Alternative Funéraire dans le Loiret» This visit is organized by the associations Chevilly history and the Alternative Funéraire in the Loiret with the support of the municipality of Chevilly

Aucune sélection
Catégorie principale
Balade - découverte - visite & Conférence - rencontre - débat

À propos du lieu

Cimetière Chevilly
Rue de Monchene, 45520 Chevilly
  • Loiret
  • Centre-Val de Loire
Première participation, Archives, Architecture civile publique, Édifice rural & Édifice commémoratif

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