Samedi 21 septembre 2024, 10h00Passé
Septembre 2024
Samedi 21
10:00 - 15:30

Rectorat de l'académie de Montpellier

31 rue de l’Université, 34000 Montpellier
  • Hérault
  • Occitanie

Visit of the Soulages court

The rectorate is built around three courtyards, the main of which, the Soulages court, will be exceptionally open to the general public. Among other things, you can admire the emblematic tree of the..
Samedi 21 septembre 2024, 10h00Passé
©Rectorat de Montpellier

The rectorate is built around three courtyards, the main of which, the Soulages court, will be exceptionally open to the general public. You can admire the emblematic tree of the rectorate of Montpellier, the monumental lime tree that adorns this first courtyard for about two hundred years. Access to the courtyard Soulages after control, from 10am to 3.30pm.

Types d'événement
Visite libre
Thèmes 2024
Patrimoines des itinéraires, des réseaux et des connexions
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Conditions de participation
Gratuit & Sans réservation
Type de public
Tout public
pass Culture
Aucune sélection

À propos du lieu

Rectorat de l'académie de Montpellier
31 rue de l’Université, 34000 Montpellier
  • Hérault
  • Occitanie
Local education offices are the seat(siege) of the academy(regional education authority), the administrative district of the Education. Each of thirty academic districts is managed by a vice-chancellor, senior official chosen among the tenured academics of a State doctorate.
Ouverture exceptionnelle, Monument historique & Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir