My imaginary robot in cyanotype (visit and creative workshop young audience)

During the visit, children and their parents will discover a selection of archival documents dealing with relations between men, machines and robots since the eighteenth century: handwritten letters, catalogues and commercial leaflets, advertising poster, drawings and plans, postcards, old and contemporary photographs, toy models of ships of the National Navy etc. The visit will be followed by a creative workshop led by the Marseille association «Reso-nance numérique», allowing children to experiment with the cyanotype* technique by making an imaginary robot on paper. *Cyanotype is a photographic printing technique that produces cyan blue monochrome images.
Sunday, September 17, 2023 only from 10 am to 12 pm. Workshop for children from 7 years accompanied by an adult. Free, reservation required by email at (limited number of places). Additional information on 04 13 31 82 52.