“Chaudun, la montagne blessé” by the Company of the Pas de l'oiseau.

Based on “Chaudun, la montagne blessé” by Luc Bronner – © Seuil, 2020 / Adaptation and acting: Laurent Eyraud-Chaume / Music – violin and harmonica: Duo Vargoz / Direction: Amélie Chamoux.
1888. The villagers of Chaudun send a letter to the Minister of Agriculture proposing the sale of their commune. To better understand the reasons and consequences of this choice, Luc Bronner conducts a detailed and sensitive investigation. Chaudun is a story of collapses: that of a micro-society unable to change direction, that of a mountain that ceases to be an ally for humans. It is also the story of a reconquest: that of the inhabitants on their lives who find in the escape a possible emancipation, that of nature on the mountain wounded with other humans for allies. Today, Chaudun is the heart of a sandy area, one of the most sumptuous valleys in Europe.
Our lives, hit every day by climatic and social emergencies, find here an unexpected echo in a not so distant past, where our cousins trapped by a relationship with the unbalanced nature were forced to flee their home, their memory, their very life... Free as part of the Heritage Days. Reservation required on the Tourist Office website: https://boutique.gap-tallard-vallees.fr/billetterie/tempo from 16 August 2023 (limited number of places).