Dimanche 17 septembre 2023, 17h00Passé
Septembre 2023
Dimanche 17
17:00 - 18:00
Aménagements à l'accessibilité
Handicap moteur


rue Michelet - Hyères
  • Var
  • Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Anatole France School

Discover the history of the Anatole France school. Symbol of the Third Republic and the "Jules Ferry" schools, this building has been protected as a historical monument since 2011.
Dimanche 17 septembre 2023, 17h00Passé
Aménagements à l'accessibilité
Handicap moteur
Ville d'Hyères (B. F.)

Discover the history of the Anatole France school. Symbol of the Third Republic and schools called "Jules Ferry", this building is protected as a historical monument since 2011.

Types d'événement
Visite commentée / Conférence
Thèmes 2023
Patrimoine vivant
I agree that the image may be freely used, provided that it is attributed to the author by name and shared under the same conditions.
Conditions de participation
Gratuit & Sur inscription
Type de public
Tout public

À propos du lieu

rue Michelet - Hyères
  • Var
  • Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Remarkable covered playground, both by its monumentality and by the quality of the decoration(set) of its facades: colonnades, niches with front walls(pediments), laurel wreaths and crowns of braided oak-leaves. It is a work of the architects Charles Maurel and Edward Angeli. Historic period: At the End of the XIXth century (on 1888-1889). Remarkable building(ship) (General registry)
Édifice scolaire et éducatif