The Cercle celebrates its sporting heritage!

Founded in 1890, the Cercle de l'Harmonie is a Provencal historical structure that has participated for more than five generations in the civic and cultural life of the City of Aubagne and the territory of the Pays d'Aubagne and Étoile. It is part of the long history of the Republican Circles of Provence, drawing their origin in the nineteenth century in the «chambreto», places of meeting and sociability. These circles represent a living memory of the Provençal heritage. As such, the Republican Circle of Saint Zacharie was registered in 2023 as Intangible Cultural Heritage of France by UNESCO. At the Circle of Harmony, sociability passes, among other things, through sports. The petanque and Provençal game competitions have a special place since they started in 1889 on the municipal boules field located in front of the Circle and continues until today thanks to the association La Boule Harmonie, which organizes every weekendend of the ball contests and La Semaine Bouliste in August. Many other sports associations have participated and continue to set up sports activities: cycling, caving, etc. In order to honor this sporting heritage, the Circle of Harmony, in partnership with sports associations members of the Circle, offers a vernissage around Sports at the Circle of Harmony. Friday 15 September at 18:30: Vernissage - exhibition "The Circle celebrates its Heritage". As usual, a ball contest will also take place on Saturday, September 16 at 2:30 pm in partnership with La Boule Harmonie.