Photo exhibition: "Home birds"

"The birds of our home"
Photo exhibition
The Beaumontais are linked by a history of protection and safeguarding of nature crystallized in the creation of L'APPEI (association for the protection of the interdepartmental environment) in 1973 after the construction of EDF plant dams. Beaumont de Pertuis is a place of passage and habitat for birds as well as a wetland flora and species protected by NATURA 2000.
APPEI wishes to highlight the avifaunistic richness of our territory and for this it has realized under the recommendations of the Luberon Park an exhibition of photographs representing the most remarkable birds (list provided by the LPO). With these spectacular and large images we want not only to show the beauty of these birds that surround us but also to sensitize the population, adults and children for their protection. Awareness of their existence and knowledge of their needs can awaken minds for the respect of all living beings. We want to encourage everyone to reflect on the need to adapt our behaviour on a daily basis in order to preserve our coexistence with this beautiful nature and its benefits for all.
This exhibition is composed of 11 photographs on canvas 2m by 1.5m and will be accompanied by a commented visit on Saturday and workshop on Sunday.
To contact APPEI you can write to: Association APPEI Mairie de Beaumont de Pertuis Avenue Verdun 84120 Beaumont de Pertuis.