Visit of the Three Kings Hotel

The house located in the rue du Puits-La-Vau was, in turn, the hotel of the Three Kings in the 18th century, the 1st house of the Department of Vendée in 1792, the home of the Sisters of Bon Secours in the 19th century, then the residence of the artist Paul Jourdain, wood sculptor. Today, the artist Pierre Debien and his wife Annick open their restored Fontenay residence to artists as part of temporary exhibitions under the name «La Maison des Troys Roys».
“Regards croisés sur le sacré” exhibition throughout the weekend. The exhibition will run until October 1 (every day from 3pm to 6pm). This one is in more than one way, exceptional, since it brings together the private collection of Gabonese art of Claudie and Didier Fauger both sixty, in relation with the MUVACAN of Nantes and with regard to the works of contemporary artists on the notion of sacred.