Visit to Saint-Hermeland Church
Visit and (re)discover the church of Saint-Hermeland, its painted vault and its works of art inscribed in the inventory of historical monuments in 2014.
Dimanche 17 septembre 2023, 14h00Passé
Mairie de Saint-Herblain
Saint Hermeland Church
Place de l'Abbé Chérel
Visit and (re)discovery
Saint Roch, invoked against contagious diseases and Saint Isidore, patron saint of ploughmen had regained their colors in 2018. It is the turn of two other paintings (The Baptism of Christ and the Annunciation) and four medallions, mounted on the walls of the church, to be restored.
Come discover or rediscover the church of Saint-Hermeland, its painted vault and its works of art listed as historical monuments in 2014.