When artistic fencing meets heritage: Historik park - Just' à temps

An encounter between architecture, artistic fencing and choreographed street shows.
The setting of this show is the mansion Lespinay de Beaumont and history. This hotel was built around 1784 for the Lespinay de Beaumont family. The architect will play with constraints and perspectives to highlight a powerful facade, in a small area, while masking the imposing pavilion roof covered with slate.
During the Revolution, the aristocratic building will experience several lives. Confiscated as national property, the building is used as accommodation for mission representatives and generals. The latter did not hesitate to help themselves and loot, giving rise to a protest by the city council on 26 August 1793 against the attitude of General Jean-Antoine Rossignol. Finally, from February 1794, it was requisitioned and served as a hospital for sick prisoners.
In a humorous tone, this show is an opportunity to share a slice of everyday life in an atmosphere of cloak and swords!
Performers: Hervé Murail, Yvenick Lallemand, Luce Barradeau, Justine Barradeau, Catherine Gaborieau
Choreographer: Flavien Cotron
Author: Yvelise Lallemand
Duration: 10 to 15 minutes