Maison Rouge - Musée des vallées cévenoles
5 rue de l'Industrie, 30270 Saint-Jean-du-Gard
Museum of company(society) devoted to the Cévennes, highlighting the identity vectors of the country: Protestantism, country builds golden age in terraces with hydraulic arrangements(developments), civilisation of the chestnut or breadfruit, around the silk. The museum also tackles(approaches) the themes of agricultural productions, of agropastoralisme, whole on one historical perspective of the Neolithic in the tourist emphasising illustrated by the journey of Stevenson. Old(Former) relay of affenage of the XVIIIth century.
Édifice industriel, scientifique et technique, Musée de France & Monument historique
Pedestrian entrance 35 Grand'rue - Parking, 30270 Saint-Jean-du-Gard.
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