Free visit of a mill, place of memory in Beyssenac
In February 1944, the mill of the Lasveyras bridge, located on the banks of the Auvezère in Beyssenac, housed about fifty young refractories to the STO. On February 16, 1944, in the early morning, a German detachment surprises them. Following the massacre: 34 executed on the spot, 13 deportees including 6 dead in deportation, 7 survivors, 3 survivors. All these young men were waiting to form the Violette battalion, which will form in June 1944.
Outside the site, discover: - the path of memory: years 1940 to 1945, - walking trails and botanical trail on the site, - stele of martyrs.
During the summer, you can discover in the "inside of the mill an exhibition presenting the Resistants as well as objects.