Guided tour of the Théâtre de l'Union - Centre Dramatique National du Limousin

4 available visit slots:
14h, 15h, 16h and 17h. Duration of the visit: 1h30.
In the heart of the inhabitants of Limoges, the Union is a symbolic place, full of history and philosophy. This story is that of the worker cooperatives that founded the Union de Limoges in 1881 and that gave the name of the street that houses this building that came out of the ground in 1911. Over the course of the 20th century, the Union was the site of a social project, then an extraordinary cinema, finally a place of theatrical creation with the Centre Dramatique National. The building, one of the first buildings built in reinforced concrete, has a superb Art Deco facade.
To discover the theatre «behind the scenes», the singular history of the Union, the know-how of its teams, as well as the artistic project of its director, Aurélie Van Den Daele, we offer a guided tour, from the costume workshop to its storeroom containing more than 5,000 pieces, including of course the stage and the scenery workshops, you will see wonders!