Château de Biron
24540 Biron
- Dordogne
- Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Biron's castle is located on the domain of the old(former) barony of Périgord based(established) at about the year ten hundred by Biron's family, alloyed with the family of Gontaut at the end of the XIIth century. Located in the south end of the department, built on a natural headland, Biron's castle dominates boundaries of the Inhabitant of Agen, by Quercy and by Périgord. He(It) establishes(constitutes) one of the largest and most spectacular castraux sets(groups) of the territory. The castle gets organised by the organisation into a hierarchy of the housing environment around a low court(yard) and around a high court(yard) (main courtyard) where overlap numerous buildings which functions(offices) changed thanks to successive reorganisations, the from XIth century till XVIIIth century.
Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Espace naturel, parc, jardin & Monument historique
©Conseil départemental de la Dordogne