Moulin des Clayes
43 avenue du Général-Leclerc 78470 Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse
The Moulin des Clayes is one of the oldest water mills in the Chevreuse Valley on the Yvette. Seat of the seigneury of Saint Rémy since the 12th century , it becomes direct property of the lords of Chevreuse from the 15th to the 17th century. Around 1700 the grain mill was transformed into a tan mill and passed from the hands of the lords of Vaugien to those of Chevincourt, the latter transforming it into a flour mill. In the 19th century the mill became industrial and was called Moulin des Clefs. In the 20th century it became a pleasure property and its name became Moulin des Clayes. It is bought by an American sculptor in 1930 and currently it is co-owned and the owners will comment on the visit of the site, park, reach, garden...
Espace naturel, parc, jardin
RER B Saint Rémy les Chevreuse, place de l'église and cross the public garden D906 towards Chevreuse Parking required rue des Ecoles and follow signs