Opening of the exhibition, Substantially reforming the public inquiry. Experimenting with the LAB-Second Group in Malakoff, Pully and Auberv

Exhibition, Significantly reforming the public inquiry. Experimenting with the LAB-DeuxièmeGroupe in Malakoff, Pully and Aubervilliers
Ema Drouin, Carolina Espírito Santo, Pauline Guinard, Anne Volvey Guided tour of the exhibition resulting from research-creation experiments on the sensitivity of inhabitants to urban transformations, conducted in Malakoff, Greater Paris (2017-2019), in Pully, greater Lausanne, Switzerland (2021-2022) and in the fall in Aubervilliers, Grand Paris (2023).
Can art claim to lead a truly public inquiry on the city that is (de)made?
Free participation open to all without reservation followed by a free snack Full program of the European Heritage Days at the MSH Paris Nord on its website: