Municipal greenhouse, Priory Park
By selecting the town of Conflans, the Achéroise association worked on the link between the inhabitants and their local heritage. This multidisciplinary project combines video creation, drawing, art..
Samedi 16 septembre 2023, 10h00Passé

©Ville de Conflans-Sainte-Honorine
By selecting the town of Conflans, the Achéroise association worked on the link between the inhabitants and their local heritage. This multidisciplinary project combines video creation, drawing, singing, music in which the participants (seniors of the Clos de Rome, families registered in the social assistance system for children of the sector of Conflans-Achères-Poissy-Chanteloup) evoke memories related to the heritage of the Conflanais and more particularly that of the castle and the park of the priory. Restitution in the form of video mapping. Project built by the association Ecstatic Playground and supported by the Department of Yvelines.