Conference walks to discover Katherine Mansfield
• Saturday, September 16, 10:30 am discovery of the burial of Katherine Mansfield, Avon Cemetery, Remembrance Street
16 et 17 septembre 2023Passé

©Mairie d'Avon
• Saturday, September 16, 10:30 am discovery of the burial of Katherine Mansfield, Avon cemetery, rue du Souvenir • Saturday, September 16, 2pm discovery of the Rock and the Katherine Mansfield Crossroads (easy route 4 km), Sunday, September 17 at 11:30 am visit the Temple of the funeral service of Katherine Mansfield, gate of the Reformed Church, 3 rue Béranger in Fontainebleau. • Sunday, September 17 at 2:30 pm discovery of the Priory of the Low Lodges of Avon, go to the Jacques Durand car park, opposite the Pavillon de l'Erable.