Conference Program

14h - Contribution of experimental sciences to preventive conservation: vibration measurement in event context and elementary analysis applied to Inrus boxes. Catherine Didelot, metal conservator, in charge of preventive conservation at the Musée des Arts décoratifs. Sandie Le Conte, head of the laboratory, assistant to the director of studies, department of restorers. Chloé Ranchoux, research engineer at the laboratory, restoration department.
15h30 - Study of the impact of the washing products of heritage textiles: multimodal approach. Chloé Ranchoux, research engineer at the laboratory, restoration department.
17h - Elsa Schiaparelli’s work under the microscope of textile restorers. Study and conservation-restoration of Elsa Schiaparelli’s costumes preserved in the Museum of Decorative Arts. Bathilde Grenier, curator-restorer of textiles.