Open door of the Workshop of Conservation-Restoration of paintings and gilded wood and Creation-Restoration of stained glass
In our workshop, we are in three specialties: restoration of painting, restoration of gilded wood and creation and restoration of stained glass windows that will make you discover their profession.
16 et 17 septembre 2023Passé
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In our workshop, we are in three specialties: painting restoration, restoration of gilded wood and creation and restoration of stained glass windows that will make you discover their profession.
- The painting restoration will be presented by Akiko LOUIS-MATSUOKA (Diploma of Professional Master in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property in 2007 graduated by the University Paris I).
- The restoration of gilded wood will be presented by Délia LOUIS-DURANDET (Diploma of gilding with the leaf dispensed by the School of furniture of PARIS LA BONNE GRAINE) (ATTENTION! It will be present only on Saturday 16)
- The creation/restoration of stained glass windows will be presented by Edith THERET (Diplôme des Metiers d'art in 2018 and Diplôme supérieur d'art appliqués-designates mention produced in 2020 graduated by ENSAAMA).