Château de Blandy
Place des Tours 77115 Blandy-les-Tours
- Seine-et-Marne
- Île-de-France
10 km from Melun and close to Vaux-le-Vicomte, the castle of Blandy-les-Tours is among the last witnesses of medieval military architecture in Île-de-France. The Department of Seine-et-Marne, owner, led the restoration. From afar in the countryside, the unusual silhouette of the ramparts and towers of Blandy appears above the roofs of the village. The change of scenery of the visitor persists at the foot of the walls dominated by the high towers, then - passed the enclosure - in the courtyard. From the underground structures to the walkway, from the curtains to the top of the keep, the tour includes all the vocabulary of the castle. Key interpretations of the castle, its history and its environment are proposed through a permanent exhibition room.
Monument historique, Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Lieu de pouvoir, édifice judiciaire, Tourisme et handicap & Lieu de spectacles, sports et loisirs
RER access - SNCF: RER D - Gare de Melun then Château bus shuttle From Paris: motorway A5 - exit n°16 Châtillon-la-Borde then follow the D47 De Melun/Provins: take the D408 then follow the D47 More info: [](