The workshop Claude de Soria, a woman sculptor in the heart of Montparnasse

Claude de Soria is an artist with a particular career. Initially a pupil of Fernand Léger, André Lhote and Ossip Zadkine, thanks to whom she discovered sculpture, Claude de Soria worked in Paris in his studio on Boulevard Raspail. In 1973, through a bag of cement forgotten by chance, in the courtyard of her workshop, she created a unique relationship with this material, in a totally self-taught approach. In a fusional relationship with cement, fully attuned to this material and in a state of total availability, the artist gives free rein to the material. Under his fingers are then born sensual spheres, starry skies, large blades. The wonder of matter is there. Sand, water and cement are revealed in an explosion of air bubbles and in a shimmer of colors, nature and chemistry work. At her death in 2015, the artist leaves behind a corpus of more than 2000 pieces to be discovered in her studio, now open to visitors. The guided tour tells the unique journey of this artist from the Académie de la Grande Chaumière after the war, until the recognition of the 1980s. In addition to the visit, filmed portrait of the artist of 20 minutes realized by Michelle Porte. You will be welcomed by the artist’s daughter and granddaughter.