Game of inquiry in the Archives départementales des Yvelines
The Weavers of Time
16 et 17 septembre 2023Passé
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Archives départementales des Yvelines
The Weavers of Time
In 2123, a group of individuals, called «the Time Pirates», created temporal branches, inducing changes in history. Experts and scientists came together to create the Time Weavers Agency, tasked with preventing these Pirates from acting and repairing the web of time.
For an exceptional session, the experts of the Agency invite you to take a recruitment test within the Yvelines departmental archives to join the ranks of the Tisseurs du Temps. You will be subjected to several tests that will challenge your spirit of deduction and your sense of observation, from archival documents. Ready for the challenge? Hours: 14h, 15h, 16h, 17h.