Outdoor digital puzzle game on mobile phone
16 et 17 septembre 2023Passé
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L'Incroyable Paris d'Alfred Picard. 2023 © Rmn-GP / Quaestyo
L'INCROYABLE PARIS D'ALFRED PICARD "My rivals proclaim that my project of a new district for the Universal Exhibition of 1900 in Paris is impossible.
In two hours, I’m presenting my case to the Department of Commerce. That’s why I need you. Eight muses will guide you. Together, bring me the evidence that my project will be useful for the capital and its inhabitants. The future of Paris is at stake.' Alfred Picard This great game of outdoor digital puzzles on mobile, is offered by the Rmn-Grand Palais with the support of the Comité Champs Elysées, the Petit Palais, the Marigny Theatre, the Théâtre du Rond-Point, Fluctuart, the Museum of Relief Plans and the Army Museum.