Wutao initiation
Wutao is a body art. It is a sensory experience based on the wave motion of the spine. Gradually during this initiation, the movement becomes dance, the gesture of…
Samedi 16 septembre 2023, 10h30Passé
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Julie Cherky
Wutao is a body art. It is a sensory experience based on the wave movement of the spine. Gradually during this initiation, the movement becomes dance, the gesture becomes feeling and the whole body harmonizes in unison with your sensations, your heart and your mind. The soul of the body awakens, beauty is invited and with it: a favorable state for contemplation that allows to enter into resonance with the architecture of the abbey rooms: pure, airy, sober and humble.
Saturday 16 September at 10:30/ Teens and adults/ Duration: 2h/ Free/ On reservation/ Come in a comfortable outfit