Exhibition "Prehistory, the fabulous odyssey of Man"

Over the course of Earth’s history, most changes have occurred slowly. But the extinction of the Cretaceous caused a radical upheaval for the animal species that then dominated the Earth. The reign of dinosaurs ended after 160 My domination. With them, marine and flying reptiles disappeared. Surviving reptiles, like crocodilians, have lost their dominant position and mammals have taken the opportunity to fill the ecological niches left vacant. The Mesozoic gave way to the Cenozoic «the age of mammals», the era in which we live today. Large herbivores and carnivores have practically disappeared. It is therefore a huge field of possibilities that was offered to the species that would be able to seize it, what the mammals did and among them, the primates. This exhibition will address this long evolutionary path that will give birth to Man. The origins of humanity are in Africa, millions of years ago. But the history of the genus Homo is not linear. Before Homo sapiens was the only human species inhabiting the planet, others preceded it and many even rubbed shoulders with it. Anatomy, art or technique, environment, here is the story about the origins of our species and some of its distant cousins that we invite you to discover.