Tale of the white wolf of Mesnil
TALE OF THE WHITE WOLF OF MESNIL BY THE CHATELET-EN-BRIE HISTORY SOCIETY SEANCE AT 2:30 PM AT 4 PM The Société d'histoire du Chaâtelet-en-Brie (SHCB) likes to tell the history of the town through places, buildings, characters, or significant events, having staked the past, near or far, of our village. Here is the tale that could be told in the evening at the vigil, in the houses and farms of the Châtelet-en-Brie: «The white wolf of the Mesnil». Once upon a time, there was a farm, the oldest in the Châtelet, of which there remains today only a small house. It was called the Mesnil farm or «the manor». It was in the plain at the exit of the village, on the right going towards Montereau. Not far from this mansion stood a large building called “maladerie” or maladrerie…