Manoir de Bel Ébat
2 avenue de Nemours 77210 Avon
- Seine-et-Marne
- Île-de-France
It is to the hunting pack of Henri IV that the domain owes its name. Passionate about hunting, the king decided that this place, equipped with fresh springs, would be the ideal place for his dog packs to play. According to the treatises on fair hunting (hunting for brothels), ebony is the place where the pack can relax. There is the morning ebony and the evening ebony. He therefore decided to build a hunting lodge.
But the most symbolic period of the magnificence of Bel-Ebat was undoubtedly the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth.
Restored in the 19th century by the Marcotte family, the manor became the property of the Parisian music publisher Auguste Durand who greatly expanded the estate.
On the latter’s death in 1909, Jacques Durand, publisher like his father, elected municipal and benefactor of the commune, inherited the estate. Heavily invested in the defence of copyright, he played a major role in the development and influence of French music. Thus, t
Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir & Espace naturel, parc, jardin
Access possible: 70 rue du Vieux ru et 2 avenue de Nemours

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