Château de Villiers
3 Avenue de Villiers 91210 Draveil
From the first castle built under the reign of Henry IV remain the two entrance pavilions, on both sides of the grille of honour opposite the alley of lime trees called "Allée des Tilleuls Louis XIV " because planted under the reign of this king. After a fire in 1780, the Count of Bombelle, owner of the castle, Brigadier of the King’s armies and hero of the Battle of Fontenoy built the main building in a pure neoclassical style of the Louis XVI era. The lower side wings were built by his successor, the republican, director of army fodder, Charles Levavasseur. In 1837, the castle became the property of the Pécoul family, owner of sugar cane plantations in Martinique. In 1954, the castle and the estate, more than 40 hectares, were sold by the Vicomte d'Origny to the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, which built buildings on the unclassified part of the land. In 1991, it was restored and transformed into a cultural centre. A wing houses the library-media library and the lounges are tran
Monument historique, Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Espace naturel, parc, jardin & Musée, salle d'exposition
By train: RER C or D, get off at Juvisy (bus 11L, 12 or 14 - Station Château de Villiers) By car: By highway A4 then A86, then N6\. After Villeneuve-St-Georges N448, exit Vigneux-Draveil By the A6 motorway direction Orly. Reach the N7 at the airport by taking the direction of Evry. In Juvisy, reach the SNCF station, cross the Seine direction Draveil.

Commune de Draveil