Aubade by the Vaires and Cheminots Harmony Orchestra

Aubade by the Vaires and Cheminots Harmony Orchestra
The Orchestre d'Harmonie de Vaires et des Cheminots participates this year in the JEP with a musical aubade on the forecourt of the station of Vaires - Torcy at 10 h 45 on Sunday, September 17. Through a varied repertoire ranging from movie soundtracks such as Evita, Pearl Harbor, Indiana Jones or Queen variety music, Gloria Gaynor and Lady Gaga, the orchestra will take the audience on a musical journey for an hour of entertainment in parallel to the open day of the Vaires Switch Station 5 proposed that same Sunday by SNCF Réseau, Etablissement infrastructure et circulations de Paris - Est. For clarification, if listening to the concert is of course free, you must register in advance to visit the referral station on starting September 1.