Family animations around the exhibition "La Pharmacie à l'AP-HP d'hier à aujourd'hui"
Animations Children and families...
16 et 17 septembre 2023Passé
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Handicap moteur
Musée de l'AP-HP/A. Prévost
Animations Children and families
Family workshop «Investigation around spices that heal».
After a brief presentation, in the exhibition, of objects from the seventeenth century to the present day evoking the profession of apothecary, the history of the drug and its impact on health, participants will have to blindly identify spices from the kitchen deemed to have healing power and discover clues hidden in the exhibition!
Goose games
A giant goose game is offered to you in connection with the exhibition: will you be able to meet the challenges, quizzes and actions requested? This game is designed for young and old, solo or with others, to discover the collection of the museum of the AP-HP.
Animations: Free access games for young and old!