Musée de la chemiserie et de l'élégance masculine
Rue Charles-Brillaud 36200 Argenton-sur-Creuse
Located in the first workshop(studio) of preparation(clothing business) of mechanical linen room(lingerie) opened in 1860 by Charles Brillaud, the Museum of Shirt shop invites you to discover work and life of the "haberdashers" who made the fame of Argenton. The history(story) of the shirt and of the men's fashion will have no more secret as you thanks to a dynamic presentation(display) of clothes and medieval accessories in our days. You will be able also to discover plants bound(connected) to dye, to weaving in the textile garden located in the patio of the museum.
Musée, salle d'exposition & Musée de France
Car park (nearby) Coach (coach stations) harmed(served) Station (line Paris-Limoges)
