Discover the history of bathing clothes and fashion from the late 19th century to the 1970s

The Musée de la Chemiserie et de l'Elégance masculine invites visitors to immerse themselves in the history of bathing clothes and fashion from the end of the 19th century to the 1960s/70s in the exhibition "Un dimanche au bord de l'eau". If the French aristocracy appropriated the sea baths as early as the eighteenth century, it was not until the second half of the nineteenth century that the towns of waters or the seaside resorts developed along the lines of communication. These first sea baths have a therapeutic function whose practice must respect the dress, sanitary and cultural codes. Only after the First World War did the beach tend to become more democratic and become a place of pleasure and relaxation. The bathing costume is lighter to adapt to new sports practices. The textile manufacturers are innovating, thanks to the «Lastex» yarns, the swimsuits become tighter and thus bring comfort to swimmers. In the 1950s/60s, the sea became the favorite destination of the popular layer, the beach is a place of rest, picnic, tanning but also games for young and old. For families who do not leave in the summer, lakes and rivers are privileged places to be with family. Lake Eguzon, located in the south of the department of Indre, is one of those places where Indrian families like to come and have a good time by the water, in summer or simply on Sundays.