The Town hall: the Cabinet(Office) of the Mayor
The house Big person(Main part) is located in the angle of the Place(Square) of the Town hall and of the street of the Port(Bearing) Villers.
From 1800, she(it) sheltered a bourgeois family, implanted in Chalon since 1699 as iron trader. The company was installed(settled) at the ground floor.
The house Big person(Main part) was built on a part(party) of the nave of the old(former) church of the Carmelites. Become very national in Revolution, this church was bought by Michel big person, "Big" member(limb) of the third generation of dynasty. It was demolished(destroyed) for the construction of a house, the old(former) materials being reused in the elevation of walls and of pilasters in facades. The descendants of Michel big person purchased of two other parts(parties) of the building(ship), dividing in the first one(night).
On the first floor, noble floor where were the apartments of the family, rooms(parts,plays) are eclectic. The big(great) lounge(show), current office(desk) of the Mayor, presents a rocaille, characteristic style of the century of Louis XV while the Reception hall makes a reference to one dreamt Middle Ages: stalls, stone remplages typical of the Flamboyant Gothic, top of doors painted... It is in these places that from(since) the beginning of 1980s is installed(settled) the Cabinet(Office) of the Mayor de Chalon-sur-Saône.