Guided tour of the Palhàs - terraced crops
Go on a guided tour of the Palhàs de Molompize site. Discover the terraced cultivation system with dry stone walls. Anaïs, guide-lecturer, will introduce you to the art of...
Samedi 16 septembre 2023, 17h00Passé
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04 71 23 07 76 contact@hautesterrestourisme.frS'inscrire / Réserver: http://hautesterrestourisme.frS'inscrire / Réserver: Terres tourisme
Take a guided tour of the Palhàs de Molompize site. Discover the terraced cultivation system with dry stone walls. Anaïs, guide-lecturer, will introduce you to the art of dry stone walls, and will tell you about stone, wine, apples, on this site belonging to the network of Natural Sensitive Areas of Cantal.