Musée gallo-romain de Saint-Romain-en-Gal - Vienne
D 502, 69560 Saint-Romain-en-Gal
- Rhône
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Discovered in 1967 during a construction project of a high school, the archaeological site of Saint-Romain-en-Gal extends over the Right Bank of the Rhône, facing the city of Vienna(Vienne) (Isère). Excavations(Searches) brought to light numerous Gallo-Roman vestiges belonging to a district of ancient Vienna(Vienne): houses, warehouses, workshops(studios) of pottery as well as exceptional buildings as the House of the gods oceans, remarkable for its scale, its ponds and its mosaics. Constructed on piles at the edge of the river, on the site, by the architects Philippe Chaix and Jean-Paul Morel, the archaeological museum opened in 1996 by the Department of the Rhône puts in contact the visible(apparent) vestiges, the bare furniture and the results(profits) of research(search) by explaining the geography of the site, its Gallo-Roman past of residential area and craft(home-made) as well as the lifestyles of those who lived in it. The museum also shelters a restoration workshop of ancient mosaics and of painting(paint), created in 1981 in contact with the programme of arrangement(development) of the site. Managed by the Departments of the Rhône and of Isère, associated in the form of interdepartmental agreement, it answers first and foremost local needs. Created principally to restore mosaics intended(designed) to be exposed(explained) to the museum, the workshop(studio) also assures(insures) removal and restoration(catering) of paving delivered by local excavations(searches): in Vienna(Vienne) (Isère) and on its opposite(opposed) bank, in the municipalities of Saint-Romain-en-Gal and of Sainte-Colombe-lès-Vienne (Rhône).
Espace naturel, parc, jardin, Site archéologique, Musée de France, Monument historique & Édifice religieux

© G. Maroni