The urban periphery as a patchwork
Urban walk proposed by Bernard Gauthiez, Professor in Urban Geography at the Faculty of Letters and Civilizations, Université Lyon 3, and the Tony Garnier Urban Museum
"Housing, producing vegetables, industry... The periphery as patchwork. Or the large social housing complex as the aporia of the homogeneous city. The Lyon periphery developed strongly in the first decades of the twentieth century, but with very different and sometimes antinomic juxtaposed logics: subdivisions, vegetable production, factories, equipment, and, in the sector that concerns us today, the housing complex known as the City of the United States, designed by the municipal architect Tony Garnier.The walk will focus on putting in counterpoint of this housing complex various landscape elements resulting from these different logics of production, by noting past legacies that sometimes - not always! – allow to retrace the path of occupation and transformation, to understand the origins of the patchwork still in evolution of this periphery become central, and the modalities of a multiform patrimonialization.
Between the Tobacco Factory and the City of the United States.
See you at 1 av. des frères Lumières