Visit of the museum and presentation by the co-author of the book Plantes de Montagne on the 18th.
Guided tour of the museum and presentation by the co-author of the book Plantes de Montagne on the 18th.
17 et 18 septembre 2022Passé
Franck Le Driant
Located in Remollon (05), the Maison du Vigneron is dedicated to high alpine viticulture, its history, traditions, grape varieties and local wines. On 200 m2, you are immersed in a warm and contemporary atmosphere whose course will reveal the winemaker’s know-how, the secrets of wine making, the tools and the specificities of Remollon. Guided tour with the intervention of the President of the Société d'Etudes des Hautes-Alpes on 17 and 18 September. Duration: 1h30 - Sale of wines from the High Alpine domains. Presentation of the book Plantes de Montagne by the co-author, Franck Le Driant, on 18 September. .