Number at the Russian bar of Cie Moi & the others
The CIAM invites you to discover the amazing number of Cie Moi & the others. On a Russian bar, vertiginous and flexible, the three acrobats jump and fly in cadence.
Samedi 17 septembre 2022, 11h30Passé
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For this 8th edition of Patrimoine [en mouvement], as part of Une 5ème Saison - Biennale d'Art et de Culture d'Aix-en-Provence, the CIAM invites you to discover the amazing issue of Cie Moi & the others at the Russian bar.
On this vertiginous and supple bar, our three acrobats and acolytes jump and fly in cadence. With decadent humor, they lead you on their adventure full of rebounds and surprises!
A wild number that will not fail to amaze you!