Chants: "entre filha ( fiho) et capelan" Valèria Pasturel at the church Notre Dame des Groseilles Saint-Geniez 04200
Valèria Pasturel (songs, short evocations).
Dimanche 18 septembre 2022, 15h30Passé
Véronique Soriano (ARPAGE)
This is the question of Ulysses (Ulisses epicèn.a), also feminine? Of what propels towards the paths invented, taken, towards the visited antres. Fishermen in the depths of the languages and popular expressions of humanity, or nomadic pastors, semi-nomads on the summer plateaus, purveyors or in search of stories, ports, directories, profane or sacred, to evoke the world crossed,.
Traditional songs of the French Alps or Pre-Alps and other places of speech, wild or still to be restored, studded with some paintings by Véronique Soriano