Bazadais Heritage Night: “Light on History ...1900-1960: My Bazaar of Yesteryear!”
Take part in the traditional night walk of the city, in sound and light.
Samedi 17 septembre 2022, 21h00Passé
©Ville de Bazas
Take part in the traditional night walk of the city, in sound and light.
1958, Bazas is in celebration on the main square of the fair… Thus begins the walk… an interactive show animated by sound, light, projections, theatre, songs and figurations… all enclosed by a fireworks display and a glass of friendship.
It is a journey back in time, from place to place, from stage to stage. Ssera evokes the Bazas of yesterday, the one who speaks to the Bazadais and the Bazadais of yesteryear: the Agricultural Comics, the Fêtes Dieu, the Grandes Réjouissances populaires, the old station, the stadium of Castagnolles… In short, the little story in the big story!
21h00: Departure place des Tilleuls Proposed by the city of Bazas
Produced and presented by the Troubadours of the third millennium