Temporary exhibition "Image hunters - aeronautical photography"
The 2021-2022 temporary exhibition “CHASSEURS D'IMAGES” is dedicated to aeronautical photography.
17 et 18 septembre 2022Passé
©Musée de l'Hydraviation
Aviation has always made him dream and photography immortalizes him. Whether amateur with the funny name «spotter» or professional, the aeronautical photographer remains a passionate, and a passion is shared!
The International Seaplane Gathering of Biscarrosse, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary (1991-2021) in 2021, remains an unmissable event and constitutes a formidable playground, very popular among image hunters: on the ground or in flight in the wake of seaplanes or aerial show aircraft, the "image hunter" is in ambush. His concern is to find the right place, at the right time and sometimes also to benefit from a good dose of luck.