Animation young audience: La nocturne des météorites (14h-23h)
Enjoy workshops, conferences and animations related to space and meteorites. An appointment for young and old curious about space!
Samedi 17 septembre 2022, 14h00Passé
Outils d'inscription
S'inscrire / Réserver:éum d'histoire naturelle, Ville du Havre
Detailed programme of events:
- 14h/ 18h: meteorite animations with Spacebus astrophysicists.
Discover how to recognize a meteorite from real samples. Will you be able to find the intruder? - 6.30pm/ 7.30pm: the astro-conference. An exciting dive into the secrets of meteorites, with Samantha Azevedo Vannson.
- 9 pm/ 11 pm: Astronomical observations at the foot of the Museum, place du Vieux marché & mediation in the exhibition halls Météorites
- 9 pm/ 11 pm: T.0.1139, sound installation by Baptiste Leroux.
This sound installation presents itself as a kind of black box from the future. It allows us to listen to the testimony of a scientist on a routine mission to a planet that serves as a galactic discharge for humanity. This expedition obviously does not take the desired turn, because a life form seems to have developed on this planet …
**BONUS *****
Two proposals that are not related to space but that should delight you too! - 22h: concert of the Honegger Brass Band as part of the closing of Un été au Havre
- 20h/ 23h: workshop palaeontological excavations continuously, in connection with the exhibition "150 million years ago...and dust"