«Extraordinary gardens», parc des Ravalet - Introduction to Calligraphy
The association draws Ligne proposes an initiation to calligraphy in echo to the exhibition present in the park
Samedi 17 septembre 2022, 15h00Passé
C. Ville de Cherbourg en Cotentin
«Extraordinary gardens», parc des Ravalet! Last days of the exhibition
The calligraphy workshop Tire-ligne presents his compositions where the plastic arts and «the art of beautiful writing» are combined. Under this title, “Extraordinary Gardens”, the projects tell stories of imaginary hybridization… The mixture between two vegetables or two fruits or vegetable and fruit forming then
“fruigumes”! But which ones? Will you be able to recognize the combinations? This calligraphic game, made mainly with the Humanistic writing, a writing of the Renaissance, is for young and old