Guided tour of the Paris Montparnasse points
Get behind the scenes of train traffic from and to Paris Montparnasse. 365 days a year and 24/7, the agents manage the traffic of one of the largest French stations.
16 et 17 septembre 2022Passé
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S'inscrire / Réserver: Réseau
This guided tour aims to introduce the two computerized stations of the Montparnasse station and their operation to the public.
Visit and discovery of operational rooms. The agents will present: - the main principles of rail traffic, - the organisation of posts, - their technology, - their geographical area of action,
- incident/incivility management.
Each person who wishes to make the visit must register in advance.
Several time slots are offered to visitors, from 10am to 4pm. The tour takes about 30 minutes. For security reasons, 5 persons per slot are allowed at the referral level.