Presentation of the large organs of Saint-Ayoul Church

The organ of the Sait-Ayoul church in Provins was built for the Abbey of Jouy in 1777 and was transferred to Saint-Ayoul in 1792. Unfortunately, the historical documentation is very incomplete and to date the identity of the organ builder of this instrument is unknown. The organ has been the subject of various works during its history but without having been fundamentally distorted since it still contains materials dating back to the Old Regime, and this in high proportion. The analysis of the materials led to the first transformation of the instrument which probably occurred at the time of its transfer to Provins in 1792. The composition of the oldest games known to us (1928) indicates that the organ was also transformed in its style probably during the second half of the nineteenth century and endowed with romantic games: besides the rise of the pitch of a tone, The pipes of the instrument bear stigmas proving that their harmony has been altered by a partial practice of the stamp notch and the addition of teeth on the bevels. A third significant intervention was carried out by Jules Bossier in 1947. The last restoration that was carried out in 1982 by Ets Benoist and Sarélot made it possible to reorient the instrument towards the classical French style.